Chapter Events



Upcoming Events:

Big Man On Campus

This is a male beauty pageant hosted by the Clemson University Kappa Zeta Chapter. This event raises money for ZTA's philanthropy, Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. This fundraiser was the 4th highest fundraising event for ZTA in the country last year! Help them move up this year by donating or attending the event! Tickets are $10. 


Pink Out with the Greenville Swamp Rabbits Hockey Team on Saturday, October 26. 

Join us as we hand out pink ribbons at the Swamp Rabbits Hockey game on Saturday, October 26. Order discount tickets with this link before October 24!


Event Updates:

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Our Chapter joined with Furman and Clemson ZTA chapters to help with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.


Founders' Day With Furman and Clemson

We celebrated the 121st Anniversary of the founding of Zeta Tau Alpha with our collegiate chapters at Furman and Clemson. 



Recruitment Events

We held two fun recruitment events this fall in Greenville and Clemson. If you didn't make it out to one, it is not too late to join us!

Greenville Event:


Clemson Event:

This was SO MUCH FUN!!! We all had a great time!



To access our calendar of events, use this link:


or scan this code:

Dinner at the Blue Heron

Join the Crown Connection ladies at The Blue Heron in Clemson, SC for dinner on Saturday, February 2 at 6:30. We are looking forward to seeing you!


Zeta Day 2019

Join Zetas from across the state in Charleston, SC for a fun weekend! Zeta Day will be held  February 8 and 9 at Trident Technical College in Charleston, SC. We are going to tour the Eta Lambda house, raffle some fantastic gift baskets, and hear what all of the chapters have accomplished this year! The Alumnae Party will be held on Friday, February 8 at Rue de Jean, and the theme is "Sparkle!"


Help us host some of the Kappa Zeta ladies with a Strawberry Dessert. Sign up here to bring a strawberry dish. 



Event Updates

We had a family bowling event on January 13 from 2 pm to 4 pm at Spare Time Entertainment, 822 Congaree Road in Greenville, SC. It was lots of fun! Everyone enjoyed the animations on the screens (that included our own faces!) and the company was excellent!

If only the pro bowling tour allowed the use of bumpers!



Mary Page making a semi-great shot!


No acrylic nails were harmed in the making of this picture.


Rosemary did great!


Impromptu Dinner!

We had an Impromptu Dinner at La Parrilla in Greenville, SC on Wednesday, December 12, at 6:30 PM.

RSVP to Rosemary Saffer by Tuesday if you plan to join us! or call 864-662-5132 to RSVP


If you plan to attend, please participate in our service project.

We are collecting personal toiletries donations for Miracle Hill Shepherd Gate Women’s Shelter.  They house 62 women. They will package the items we donate.

Items needed-full or travel size –toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, deodorant, body lotion, hand cream, bath gel(no scrubbies), tampons, sanitary pads, lip gloss, shampoo, tissues, hair products for African Americans, hair brush, pick, comb, nail clippers, fingernail file (no makeup, lipstick or polish)

Would ask each person/couple bring at least 3 items



Holiday Potluck Dinner

We had a great time at our Holiday party and service event!

6:30 pm – 9:30 pm pot luck dinner at Rosemary’s house (solo, spouse or significant other)  


Holiday Sin N Shop

We had some stress-free holiday shopping on Saturday, November 10 from 1pm to 4pm. More than 10 local vendors were represented, and a portion of the proceeds will go to our local ZTA Alumnae Chapter. 


$5 Burger Night at Bar Louie

We met at Bar Louie for $5 Burger Night. It was packed, and we had such a great time!



Pink Ribbon Event at the Swamp Rabbits Hockey Game

Friday, October 12, 2018

We handed out pink ribbons at the Swamp Rabbits Hockey game on Friday, October 12, 2018. Special thanks to the Furman ZTA Chapter for helping us!



Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

We helped with the Survivors' Tent at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer on Sunday, October 7, 2018. The event was in downtown Greenville near the TD Stage. The collegiate members from Wofford and our alumnae helped serve snacks, hand out gifts to survivors and take pictures of the survivors and their families in the photo booth. It was an uplifting and inspiring event for all who attended!



Candle Making at Magnolia Scents

We met at Magnolia Scents in Greenville on September 13, 2018, at 6:00 pm. We had so much fun making our own candles! We each got to pick a scent and mix our own candle color, so everyone went home with a personalized soy candle. While our candles set, we enjoyed a fantastic dinner at Trio. 


The Wild Ace

We had a great time at The Wild Ace in Greer on Thursday, August 30, 2018. We welcomed three brand new members to our alumnae chapter!

The photographer unfortunately cut two of the ladies out of the group picture, so our apologies to you! 

We collected school supplies for Tanglewood Elementary as a service project. Here is an example of one of the baskets donated by alumnae.

We loved the food at the Wild Ace! 

We had a prize for one lucky new member, and coozies for all members!

Recruitment Luncheon

Our first recruitment event was held at the Village Bakery on the square in Pendleton on Saturday, August 11 from 11:30 to 1:00. 



Statewide Alumnae Officer Training

We met with Alumnae Officers at Statewide Alumnae Officer Training on Saturday, August 4, 2018 at the ZTA house at the University of South Carolina. The chapters exchanged ideas, and we came back with lots of plans for the Greater Greenville ZTA Alumnae Chapter. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!

Attendees of SWOT in front of the Beta Omicron Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha's house at the University of South Carolina

Greater Greenville ZTA Alumnae officers 


50th Anniversary Celebration

Greater Greenville ZTA Alumnae Chapter celebrates our 50th Anniversary in 2018! Zetas from across the state attended our 50th Anniversary party on Sunday, April 22, 2018 at the historic and beautiful Kilgore-Lewis House in Greenville, SC. We welcomed graduating seniors from Kappa Zeta and Lambda Nu into the alumnae world and installed new alumnae officers.

Our special guest, Alumnae Province President Olivia Spence commended our chapter on its recent growth and revitalization. She reported that our chapter had the THIRD highest membership growth in the whole country last year! 

White Violet recipient Stuart Heath was our main speaker, and she talked about the history of the Foothills Alumnae Chapter and the colonization of Kappa Zeta. She inspired us with stories that show what ZTA has meant to her over the years. 

The food was excellent, the flowers were beautiful, the venue was spectacular, and the sisterhood was simply amazing! 



Spa Day with Kappa Zeta

Zeta Tau Alpha took over Tammy's Nails in Clemson on Saturday, March 10, 2018. Collegians and Alumnae enjoyed being pampered by the great ladies at Tammy's! 


Strawberry Dessert with Kappa Zeta

Sunday, February 25, 2018, we hosted a Strawberry Dessert with Kappa Zeta from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. We had some delicious strawberry treats while getting to know some of our collegiate sisters. 





Zeta Day was AWESOME! We met on Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 10:00 am in Greenwood, SC. Our chapter received some amazing awards!


We won the Silver Tray Award! This rotating award is presented to the chapter that is the best model alumnae chapter in SC.  They excel in every area including membership, philanthropy, service, programming, public relations, alumnae/collegiate relations, and fundraising.  They are a crown chapter and major donor.  


Excellence in Membership Award:  This award is presented to the chapter that has the highest membership in SC and/or the highest percentage increase in SC.  We won based on the highest percentage increase in SC.

Most Improved Award:  This award is presented to the alumnae chapter that has made significant improvement in the area(s) of membership, fundraising, programming, and/or alumnae collegiate relations.

We had a great time at the Alumnae Party on Friday night!


Cakes By U

We met on January 25, 2018 at Cakes By U in Greenville for a cake decorating sisterhood event. Katie, our instructor, taught us to spread buttercream icing and use the tools of the trade to add decorative flourishes to our cakes. This was harder than we expected and so much fun! We even got to take the decorated cakes home, an they were delicious!


Holiday Party

We met on Thursday, December 7 at CityRange Grill in Greenville to celebrate the holidays. We had an ornament exchange and collected canned food for a local food drive. It was great to catch up with our sisters, and the dinner was fabulous! Merry Christmas from ZTA!

Sisterhood Bonfire

We had a great time with the Kappa Zeta ladies at the bonfire on Monday, November 27! Thank you Becky Horace for allowing us to use your fire pit! The fire was perfect for the chilly night!

Greater Greenville ZTA Alumnae and Kappa Zeta ladies


Thank you Becky (and Chris!) for the roaring fire!


Founders' Day

Founders' Days were a success with the Furman and Clemson chapters! We participated in the Founders' Day Ritual and provided cake to all the collegians. Thanks for those that came out to support ZTA!



Contact Rosemary Saffer with questions about events.

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